Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Magic Kitchen

My grandmother’s kitchen was a magic place in my homeland that was full of my childhood’s memories. The kitchen equipment and everything was complete. Many years ago, my grandfather chiseled two large windows in the kitchen. He also whitewashed the wall. Therefore, the old kitchen became like new one. My grandmother always very busy cooks for everyone in the kitchen day by day. When she cooked in the kitchen and this sound hear like a symphony or fantasia. There were times when I saw the smoke curl up, the scent of food filled the air. This smell was very fragrance. All of foods were handmade by my grandmother. Every dish flavor was so delicious. Sweet and sour fish, salted pork and green vegetables were my favorite foods. After we have had dinner, my cousins and I will clean the kitchen, we put foods and bowls in the cupboard, and then we wiping the dirt off the table, sweeping the ground. That was why our kitchen always maintained very clean.