Thursday, July 28, 2011

Japanese culture In Taiwan

When you first come to Taiwan, you will be surprised at the things in front of you. Because of the multi history background, Taiwanese culture is very abundant. In the process of the development of Taiwan, include the early immigrants from the south of Spain, Japanese, and the recent immigrants from Mainland China. People here regard conservation of traditional culture as a very important thing, and they develop new culture day by day.
Taiwan, also known, especially in the past, as Formosa (from Portuguese: Ilha Formosa, "Beautiful Island"), is an island. Taiwan was ceded to the Empire of Japan after the First Sino-Japanese War in 1895 and started 50-year Japanese rule. In 1945, Taiwan was freed from Japan as a result of World War II. That is why Taiwanese culture has influence deeply by Japanese culture until now.  
Taiwan has been colonized by Japan, the influence of the colony are obviously. Colonization effect: culture; language; tradition; custom and the catering. Also, the influence which Spain bring to Philippine nowadays we can see are their religion and language.
Especially, Japanese culture has more impact in the clothing culture. The clothing culture in Taiwan has actually already accepted and Occidental the daily chemical industry as far back as before, it is not modern. In 1940 times, men wear suits; women wear western-style clothes, but Japan colonize government for let dress improved purpose, people of Taiwan, smoothly at that time, propose the improved situation of custom to the dress too, and reward and wear kimono, national clothes, revise the traditional clothes for the Midwest the clothes type amalgamated. In 1950 times, people begin to wear simply, rely mainly on Chinese tunic suit, school uniform, and the light advantage that father of a republic has absorbed suits with Chinese tunic suit and reference Japanese students' school clothes, invent the civilian dress with Chinese characteristics.
Furthermore, I think Taiwanese culture was losing too much because Japan had control Taiwan by over fifty years. Therefore, Taiwanese habits, behavior, or thought are really like Japanese, especially for the elder people. Maybe Taiwanese young generations are try to create our own culture, such us eating habits or behavior, but still have a little bit Japan’s shadow remain, and I think it is not good, because each country should have their own culture, culture is represent to the country.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A Magic Kitchen

My grandmother’s kitchen was a magic place in my homeland that was full of my childhood’s memories. The kitchen equipment and everything was complete. Many years ago, my grandfather chiseled two large windows in the kitchen. He also whitewashed the wall. Therefore, the old kitchen became like new one. My grandmother always very busy cooks for everyone in the kitchen day by day. When she cooked in the kitchen and this sound hear like a symphony or fantasia. There were times when I saw the smoke curl up, the scent of food filled the air. This smell was very fragrance. All of foods were handmade by my grandmother. Every dish flavor was so delicious. Sweet and sour fish, salted pork and green vegetables were my favorite foods. After we have had dinner, my cousins and I will clean the kitchen, we put foods and bowls in the cupboard, and then we wiping the dirt off the table, sweeping the ground. That was why our kitchen always maintained very clean.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Honesty Is An Important Characteristic

          When I want to make a new friend, and I think that internal factor is an important characteristic. External factor such as pretty, handsome, classy or sexy which are not the most important characteristic to me. They cannot express someone’s personality. These just are appearance. Two months ago, I even met a new friend who has a beautiful face but she also was a two-faced person. She cheated me a lot of things about my other friends. Therefore, internal factor is the most important characteristic to me. I am most concerned about honesty. Honesty is the most important personality. If I want to look for a close friend, honesty is necessary.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Friendship Is An Amazing Relationship

What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? “The state of being friends: the relationship between friends, and a friendly feeling or attitude: kindness or help given to someone” The definition is according to the Merriam Webster dictionary. If we care about a person, and we will always ready to help that person. Moreover, we will share most of our thoughts with a person who is our good friends. Consequently, we can count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friends will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep, and the relationship is so intimate that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends. We should positive keep in touch with our good friends.

Monday, June 27, 2011

I like to live in a small town

I like to live in a small town. Some people like to live in a small town. Others prefer a big city. But a small town is the best choose for me. I came from a big city which name is Taipei in Taiwan. Taipei is a capital city. I have been lived there around twenty-four years. When I was childhood and I already stayed in a big city. I didn’t like to live in a big city. The first reason, a big city has so many cars and people that we often can hear much noise. The second reason, there has much pollution in a big city. Maybe like air pollution, water pollution or air pollution. Especially is air pollution, a big city always has heavy air pollution in everywhere. Sometime we cannot breathe fresh air. Two years ago, I moved to a small town with my brother. This is an important thing in my life. A small town gave a lots good felling. It doesn’t have many high buildings and I always can see many green plants and colorful flowers here. There have some helpful neighbors who can care about you in this small town. When you have a few questions and you can ask your neighbors. When I lived in a small town and I felt that I can get more freedom. Therefore, living in a small town is the best choice for me.              

Thursday, June 16, 2011

To quit smoking in a public place

According to the WHO report, every 6.5 seconds a person in the world dies due to cancer, heart attack, or some other kind of tobacco related diseases. No doubt, cigarette is the fourth most common risk factor for diseases worldwide. Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to our health. However, there are still many people who keep on smoking among us. More and more young people have become addictive to. If teachers and parents have been smoking, they ought to quit it now or at least not to smoke in front of the children since it would only bring them bad example. We cannot neglect this problem anymore, and we should support the anti-smoking campaign as well. Smoking is not good to the human body at all lung will become black after smoking, which easier to develop lung cancer. Actually, smoke causes smoker to lose their healthy. Beside, sometime smoking will hurt someone who breaths the second-hand tobacco smoking. Therefore, smoker will be found one thing which is more and more difficult to smoke in a public place. For example, you cannot smoke on a train or in an office. Most of the places have become non-smoking place. That is why everyone should to quit smoking in a public place.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

The best thing that has happened to me

When my parents told with me that I can go to American. I thought it is the best thing in my life. I am a history teacher in middle school in Taiwan. I already worked over five years. I really wanted to take a rest for long time since nine months ago. Therefore, I made some plans about my future and I told these to my parents.  My parents gave me a lot of suggestions about my plans. I am glad to go to Georgia Institute of Technology. I met some friendly teachers and some funny classmates. Actually, I made a lot of new friends when I came here. Everyone came from different countries. We had different backgrounds, cultures and religions. We can change our knowledge and a few interesting things. Coming to Georgia Institute of Technology is the best thing that has happened to me.